Restaurants and schools are very much alike. Without vigorous maintenance, both become ideal breeding grounds for unwanted bacteria and hazardous germs. For easy cleaning and maintenance, both restaurants and schools turn to stainless steel backsplashes and countertops.


Restaurants use stainless steel countertops as the preferred surface to prepare all of their food items. This may be one of the most important aspects to a kitchen’s speed and efficiency. Stainless steel is non-porous, which means the cooks can clean up any mess—chicken juice, raw beef residue, raw egg and other potentially dangerous ingredients—with ease. The bacteria is not able to seep into the material and infect other foods prepared on the same surface.

A quick once-over with anti-bacterial chemicals leaves the surface ready for the next dish to be prepared. The knives used by chefs to chop, flay, julienne and dice food are also tend to be stainless steel. This is due to the anti-rust properties of stainless steel; the surfaces of the knives won’t warp even in temperature and humidity extremes.


In schools, stainless steel surfaces can be found in a wide range of places. Science classrooms often have stainless steel tables in their labs. Distracted students playing with corrosive chemicals is not a good recipe for maintaining the composition of most countertop materials. Stainless steel resists corrosion due to the 10.5% chromium necessary in this alloy for it to be called stainless steel. Even if Bunsen burners tip over, set something on fire and continue to fuel the blaze, the properties of the tabletop will not change. Science classes don’t have to endure costly tabletop replacements nearly as often as they used to – stainless steel has a life expectancy of nearly a century.

School lunchrooms also use stainless steel for their food preparation and easy cleanup. Students tend to be careless when eating in the cafeteria, leading to incredible messes. Stainless steel backsplashes and sinks are great for cleaning dishes. Simply hose down the sink and backsplash, when cleaning is completed; ushering all the particles down the drain. Store all the cleaned pots, pans, and trays in stainless steel cabinets, and you’re done. Bacteria no longer have a place to feed and procreate, thanks to stainless steel.


Sinks get a lot of daily use, from washing your hands to washing off raw chicken – a sink is an integral part of any facility. Stainless steel sinks are up to the challenges of rigorous daily use.

Stainless steel has antiseptic properties and a non-porous composition, making it a clean, sanitary option for hospitals and medical facilities, where contact with unexpected biohazards isn’t uncommon. Stainless steel is super easy to disinfect, and can be cleaned very easily as well.